Aim trainers come

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So i recently started doing some kovaaks(4-5 days) and I have seen improvements in my raw aim but yesterday I did some scenarios and hopped onto val, and I played horrible, my score yesterday on the scenarios was better than the day b4 it but I played a lot better day b4 yesterday,

also i feel like I am aiming a lot faster with my slow sens after aim training and I dont like it at all, it fucks up my aim, it has also happened b4 when i used to use aimlabs, the only fix i knew was to stop aimlabs and my aim gradually became ok.

Any idea whats going on?


Better scores =/ better aim. You're aiming faster because you're used to the flick motion but accuracy might be an issue. Once you play more kovaaks you'll plateau and you'll actually see where your problems are. Also play valorant alongside aim training so you're still familiar with the game's mechanics


join voltaic server there you will get help


think about it this way, is your aim really bad or are you just not thinking about what your doing?

in kovaaks your doing good because your consistently thinking about your aim, in game are you thinking about your aim at all? confidence is also key


When I focus too much on aiming I tend to grip my mouse harder which improves my aim but fatigues my forearm very fast, the reason i started aim training was to get better without clutching the mouse hard


hit the gym


aim training doesn't necessarily mean your aim ingame gets better. ingame there's other factors like your movement, gun spray, crosshair placement etc. imo its important to also DM a lot and mainly focus on your movement, bursts and crosshair placement there, while your raw aim gets better at kovaaks.

if by "aiming a lot faster" you mean that your initial flicks to your targets are faster, but further away from your target, then the problem is your micro adjustments. you have two options to fix this:

  1. practice taking your time before shooting. meaning that you make your initial flick to your target intentionally slower, so you dont have to correct the flick as much. you can practice this in kovaaks and in val.
  2. playing hella micro adjustment scenarios in kovaaks. this one is not as effective as the first option, but it should get you to your goal overtime

a lot of yappage but to say it shortly:
practice taking your time before shooting. do not shoot as soon as you see a target, just take your time


My microadjust are good lowkey(my kovaaks scores are highest on micro adjustments)

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