for fun. personally me, i wanna see how much people on vlr are worth
sell his ass to hltv
they are gonna rape him bruh
Hltv couldn’t handle me
retard to retard convo
"I don't like this person on the internet. How about human trafficking? That'll solve all my problems!"
you'd go for high since you are funny and smart
I wouldn't go for high because racism unfortunately
look at you flirting
Are you jealous or something?
idk if i wanna be called a high value slave by a turkish man, i'm sure my ancestors wouldn't really like that
we once ruled the world bro
we totally did
Byzantium ❤️❤️
let's traffick henbabyh to guatemala
fuck no wtfffff????
I don't think we should tolerate human trafficking on this site.
What the fuck
Can we get an update?
Do we know the value?
the dealers (andrew tits and p griddy) told me he would go for 4000 euros which isnt a lot but i still wanted those 4 grand, but unfortunately p griddy went behind bars
Ain't no one paying €4000 for that hentai addict
Yes they would, tf? I’d probably go for more tbh.
Diddy isn't getting out of prison anytime soon So no
nah they said your value might go down more and more as long as you keep watching hentai
i got an albanian buddy that would be interested in selling his organs and hes willing to pay 30 bucks for him