vct americas 2025 truth

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TW: allat
unironically it’s actually not easy to find out who is at the bottom.

kru - building a good roster on paper with adverse who has had a glow up at AK and also an actual IGL which is what kru desperately needed. mazino is a very good flex player

mibr - acquired aspas, nzr and had a big part in choosing the two new players, frod is also goated and his impact was for sure felt at loud. mibr are finally trying to make a competitive roster and not embarrass theirselves, this is good for the league.

furia - raafa is a good signing and i think he will guide havoc to become a better person and player overall, if they get havoc disciplined enough to not overheat too many times, they can be dangerous

loud - probably the least convincing out of the brazilian teams tbh, saadhak and less out is a big blow but at the same time i genuinely think loud can surprise a lot of people and maybe even make an international event, stk will somehow have a redemption arc.

c9 - rossy is a solid pickup and v1c was one of the best controllers in NA challengers, id say overall an upgrade. they will dominate in the regular season as per usual but choke in playoffs though, nothing will change here.

g2 - icy for jawgemo; one on one upgrade. nothing much to say here, they will definitely have a higher ceiling and better days ahead. trent will be one of the best i hope

nrg - too early to say but they definitely had a big glowup compared to the 2024 season, they looked genuinely impressive in the sen city event. so much proactivity in defense it is actually amazing to watch. hopefully they don’t disappoint when the season actually starts

sen - with more practice and players finding their footing, they’ll still be very good in americas but i don’t think they’ll reach the same levels as 2024 sen. good showing in the off season event.

100T - zander provides second calling on atk which is what 100T really lacked imo, you can tell in their games vs loud and kru. Solid change, I think they will surprise teams next year if they can work around cryo

EG - sym has room for improvement, i think he will get over
his nerves and eg will be a strong contender with that aside. natures IGLing is better than i thought.

LEV - only team that has a clear downgrade over the others imo. losing aspas will 100% be felt alongside mazino who had his insane moments in the year, i hope natAnk can replicate that.

2G - people are lowkey sleeping on them but zap gives me confidence in this team, their players has had super insane moments in ascension and they are also mechanically up to par with the other teams here. they will definitely surprise people.

overall, yall should be excited that americas will be competitive next year and not treat every team as a free win because not only is it boring for the pros but also for the viewers. i would like to see teams people look down on like 2G have close games with the “top teams”


eg nrg g2 kru


vct americas will fail without marved


Please add spaces between the teams

Can’t read allat


Still kinda sad that no teams picked up skuba when imo he's the 2nd best controller in na challengers


who would pick him up? as far as NA, they're stacked with controllers.
sen - bang
100t - zander
eg - supamen
g2 - valyn
nrg - s0m
c9 - v1c
and not NA but i know demon1/kingg and mazino are gonna do good


Lucid as always.


agree, the whole region seems very packed and almost anyone could be in any place in a good day on paper. but we will have to see on the actual season


i think we will tbh, sucks that there are no off season events for the brazilian teams or kru (makes sense since they didn’t actually officially announce their rosters and the NA teams already did)


there was going to be one but it was cancelled last minute sadly. the orgs were interested on doing offseason as far as i know so idk if they just didn't locked the rosters in time or no invitation came


C9 will succeed in playoffs and win a lan


Win a lan is crazy. I do think they have international potential tho. The coach said that he feels like the team is good enough to qual for at least 1 event


speaking of the coach, I'm pretty surprised Immi kept his job this year

hopefully he shows his worth


idk why ppl hate him. hes really good and if u watched the match they had good strats

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