Single player vs multi player games

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Which one do you guys think is better personally? Also don't you guys think multi player games are more popular than single player games? Like yeah Mario or Nintendo whatever might have saved gaming industry but it feels like dota2 or league or C dwarf Mario in popularity especially cause of current generation kids.


single player games will always clear cause there will be a experience or genre that you like everything or most things about it you can't have that with multiplayer your game has to be liked by most of your target audience or the plug will be pulled and singleplayer games don't need to do most of the scummy shit live service games have to do for money if you buy the game they did good if alot of people bought it they will make dlcs's on the base game and make more money they will do scummy shit cause corpa but not as much as live service


what are you asking? i can't really think of a way to judge them generally cause personally, i think there's a lot of multiplayer games that are easy to have fun with cause you can play with friends. but i definitely think singleplayer games are very enjoyable if they're story driven though i find them fewer


The most popular games are literally multiplayer

Not even close

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