I'm sure most people realise there are a lot of other ways to impact the game other than just being the topfrag on the server but why is it that everyone is so quick to attack players who aren't high fraggers? Sure if someone is consistently like double negative that is probably too far over the line fair enough but most guys arent
Particularly players who play flash initiator or flex roles as the most notable and easy examples. IGLs seem to get a free pass most of the time except maybe boaster? which is funny because he's one of the most winning players in valorant but yeah fair enough his recent stats have been too low to be made up for with great IGLing (compared to other winning teams - they still are a great team)
basically everyone who has ever been asked has said xeppa is a fantastic teammate and yet half the fans just think he's terrible. i guess they forgot C9 were actually one of the best americas teams both franchise years domestically and looked very promising too
Sacy, lakia, foxy9, mindfreak, c0m, and so many others. Zellsis seems to get a free pass because of his great comms and vibes (valid) but why does nobody else?
Nobody cares that demon1 is a notoriously quiet bad communicator but everyone cares when c0m has a negative k/d. They both won champs but one of them had a pretty great 2nd season after EG and the other didn't - which was that again? Right it was the vibes/comms guy not the MVP. no hate on demon1 or anything just serves as a useful example. Sacy won madrid and champs, lakia won APAC's first international but we're all so certain they were the problems?