gold 3 rn on my alt,
+very good comms +insane senti/(learning support roles) +okay jett +can play any servers
-restricted roles(i dont have much agents unlocked)
add me pxier#4545
Would, dm me
i updated add me on my tag in the OG post
so you are gold 3
alt account since main is kinda banned , i only called a kid trash because he threw
Let's Q Seoul to show geng some true talent.
i would lose before i even load in
c0n0d0 fl0g + l0ud fl0ir
sorry I wish I was from canada
You should come to Canada Btw you forgot the i in flair
In this economy? Definitely not happening anytime soon lmao. I barely can afford a full dinner. I wish I could go though. Seems lovely.
good comms but banned hmmmmmmm
astrogalaxy can vouch
0str0g0l0x0 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
sorry i am immo
fake .58kd immo
not bad tbh, i still clear
Do you play in NA? I play on London servers so idk if we could even q together without someone having bad ping. But I am plat 1 rn, haven't played in a while but I am still holding my own in ranked.
yeah im NA
hello I play capetown