What's the timezone around your parts. Gotta wonder if people scour these sites at Early AM. Post the info on your credit card while your at it too pookie<3
im an EST person
I dont have a credit card yet
my full name is AstroGalaxy.
11:30 pm , I don't have a credit card
EDT Nice try
CDT no.
+1 gonna change to +2 in about a week
+1 2689 3399 1638 9600 2557 2199 452
Nah bro you just have to keep trying🤣
What’s your expiration date?
CDT 4753 2742 2934 I have 500$ so please don't steal my money 🙏
Don't worry man, I'll just use it to invest in the Talk Tuah podcast. I'm gonna make you billions