Imagine a world...

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On today's episode of the twilight zone, in a parallel universe:

It's 2023. Fnatic's Alfajer is the EMEA MVP and Fnatic is the #1 EMEA team heading into Masters Tokyo. But tragedy strikes for fnatic, due to undisclosed circumstances his visa gets denied and he is unable to attend Tokyo. In their desperate scramble, the best they can do is pickup a guy named CGRS, a pubg streamer not very well known outside his region.

Tokyo arrives, despite an admirable performance from FNC CGRS - given what was expected from him - it wasn't enough, he was no alfajer. In fact they lose so bad to PRX, the eventual winner, that the PRX fans all taunt about how 'Forsaken only decided to not 13-0 them because he likes Chronicle'. They end up 3rd despite their situation. It wasn't fair. They weren't complete.

But then, just a month later, they were. The time for redemption had come. Fnatic storm through the upper bracket. With their superstar alfajer back, they reserve themselves a spot in the grand finals with a win over EG. PRX had fallen to LOUD twice, in two very decisive losses. FNC had beaten that team in their first real playoff game after a free win vs fut. FNC is playing the best they arguably ever have, but ultimately get 2nd.

At the next event, Masters Madrid, FNC is once again in attendance despite switching out Chronicle - one of their stars - for monyet due to military service. Alfajer is still one of the best players in the world. PRX, still fully intact, is missing from this event, unable to qualify over KC and TH, who become the #1 and #2 Pacific representatives. During the event FNC sends both of them home.

At the next event, Masters Shanghai, PRX is sent home winless in two games, after a loss to GEN.G and FUT. Fnatic had just beaten GEN.G in the domestic grand final before this event, and goes on to lose to G2, beat EDG, then ultimately get sent home by 100T in a series that was hard fought and decided at the very last moment. 100T was also the team that had absolutely fucking annihilated FUT.

This concludes this episode of the twilight zone, a narrative of something that never happened in our universe, but could tell us something about what did


also where did ur stars go


mods took it away idek wtf he did


i don't know and don't really care

never understood what stars do anyways, don't you just get them after a certain number of posts or upvotes or something?


the more stars you have the less cooldown after you send a post


hmmm, ignore this its a test

update: looks like ur right ~ 30 second cooldown


Mods take them away from users that get reported for spamming several times. This is why ^


spamming what exactly? i wanna test that


Oh sorry, not spamming. Just in general


Lol then i probably got it from defending my magnum opus "Fnatic was never great"

There was like 3 hours where i was replying to 5 different people at a time


I can only imagine a world where nAts and chronicle are still on the same team with sheydos, fartnatic disbanded because derke got tired of 1v9ing and joined team Spirit(who have the aforementioned core+zeddy) ,Alfa is in FUT together with w0ot, riens, cnoob and mrfalin and there are no shitretics in franchise bc that org is useless. Would have been a much better world but unlucky

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