Who wins/loses rostermania pt 2

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Loud - Definitely loses, -saadhak is devastating. Brazil talent has been looking pretty good in ascension but still
SEN - Loss :c i miss u tenz
C9 - Win, it looks like we're gonna see a rebuild around oxy which is going to be great considering how much talent T2 NA has
EG - Loss, it looks like they're going for a super budget roster again which also likely means -potter and/or -jawgemo. Plus the rumors that jawgemo has been trialing with other teams
G2 - Win, They've had lots of success which means higher budgets and also the duelist role seems very oversaturated right now so they could get a better replacement if needed. They could def get mada or Derke or something else
NRG - Even, -Demon1 is going to hit hard but the new coach is great and +verno or +n4rrate would be great for them
KRÜ: Loss, same as loud, -heat sucks but there is some oppurtunity with this talent in latam rn in ascenion
MIBR - If they spend any money they could win easy with this brazil talent rn
LEV, even, if they lose aspas definelty a loss but with sacy retiring i dont think he's leaving
FNC - Loss, -Hiro and -Derke is just not it
TL, Biggest win, with all the rostermania there is a lot of potential to rebuild around nats, team liquid is going to step it up huge
KOI, win, similar to TL but they can build their roster around the +demon1
Navi, unkown but probably a win
BBL, win, with all the turkish t2 talent they're down to get some good ones, esp with pcific losing ascenion
FUT, same as BBL
TH - no change, (which you might say is a loss because no -miniboo)
KC - loss, sorry but n4rrate back to NA is highly likely
GE - win, this is just me being a believer, plus they obviously can go down that much
Talon - win, rebuild around primmie and they cook
Bleed - win, with the less drama they should be better, plus i totally see them picking up dsg members
(a lot of apac will stay the same imo)
FPX - win, i've heard some great roster changes for them that i think they could pull off, plus they've been looking good with their inital changes

this is just imo! please list what u think! <3


Every team with changes:
100T - L, they dropped their assistant coach and it doesn't look like they're gonna sign a new one
C9 - unclear, but +vanity -vanity +vanity -vanity is very funny regardless
KRU - L, dropping Klaus AND heat in one go is a terrible thing to do, hopefully they can put in new players that can match up
LEV - L, lost their assistant coach, their flex is looking at new options, AND aspas is reportedly unsatisfied with the team
LOUD - L, 'nough said
NRG - W, as experienced as Chet/Victor/crashies are, some young blood will do wonders for them (they dropped their chef though so idk)
SEN - L, purely based off the fact that the players that have retired are irreplaceable imo
FNC - L, Derke is NOT an easy duelist to replace
GX - W, they're looking to rebuild which is a good sign
KC - L, sh1n and tomaszy are two very bright young players who don't deserve to be dropped imo
KOI - W, Demon1 is a great addition
M8 - L, why are we dropping TakaS again??
NAVI - unclear, entirely depends on who they pick up to replace all those that they've dropped
TL - unclear, same story as NAVI, they're keeping only their best players so I'm leaning towards W but we'll see
BLD - L, why are you dropping Zest and Deryeon wth
GE - W, a rebuild was called for and boy are they rebuilding
RRQ - L, Lmemore is the last player I'd drop
T1 - unclear, depends on who they sign to replace Rossy, Sayaplayer, and their coach
TS - W, they dropped NDG which means he can explore options instead of sitting on their bench
ZETA - unclear, they dropped half their roster and 3/6 of their staff but still have the same coach, which is interesting
WOL - L, now where is pl1xx gonna go :(


I'd argue that KRÜ is a win since they are rumoured to sign Saadhack and maybe Less. They already have crazy potential and their roaster definitely looks strong. Good list tho !

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