I'm guessing he goes to EG, right?
Can they even pay for his buyout
idk but he will prove the haters wrong with the new chamber buff
the haters hate him for being a 1 one trick i am afraid but i think he will go crazy if he gets a chance
hopefullt we'll see high level chamber gameplay next year, I've been waiting for a buff for so long
If Yay goes to EG = Apoth leaves = No secondary smokes = Supamen be the main smoke and have to flex on harbour astra brimstone or Yay steps in Apoths role
yay has been playing a lot of brimstone clove astra in ranked alongside sentinel but i don’t think that means anything
Please dont let Yay flex on smokes just let him focus on lurking/aiming
Yeah just play viper on bind lol i dont even think he’s bad on that agent it’s just that bleed had zero structure
realistically senti and smokes are the best roles to lurk in
Idk only time will tell Im scared to let him play omen for some reason
we can make more changes ngl derrek jawg and supaman are the only ones worth it are there any igl/smokes players in T2 NA or no
Run it back with bleed ig, he only played half a season