Joblife ruling

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Lmfao makes no sense, it’s such a shitty excuse idk how it took them so long to make it


Of course if the admin tells them if they can’t get a sub they’re gonna keep reconnecting a guy who’s gonna keep disconnecting. Rather a 4.2v5 than a 4v5. You saw this in some of their plays, sometimes they’d send jas in on defense just to get value before he dcs.


(Tweet link after to express this next blurb better) And also they said it’s a players job to make sure they have a connection which won’t go down. But if riot don’t want to invest in tier 2, to the point that even at one of the final games in the competition it is not a lan, how can you hope that nothing ever happens to a player. Of course this would happen eventually. Afaik anyone can suffer an outage or internet issues, and let’s say there really is a team from premier, a group of friends who make it this far, riot always talks about premier in the sense that a group of friends can squad up and eventually qualify for tier 1 (obviously not likely, but they talk about that dream a lot I feel). If a team really did make it there, they maybe wouldn’t find an org to support them in time, and it is a group of friends who maybe don’t have great setups and backup plans for internet or power. If riot doesn’t invest in tier 2 how can they blame jas for not having a stable connection in the game, I think this would’ve happened eventually to a team.



riot did a oppsie


After it happened it can't be undone, the excuse might be shitty but not replaying is the right choice


So doubling down on your own mistake is the right choice? Interesting train of thought. On top of that, they're blatantly lying about the rule book lmao


It's not doubling down on your own mistake. They have now fucked 1 team over, if they remake it they fuck a second team over. It's minimizing damage


fuck riot


i swear i heard riot gave the T2 teams bootcamping chances was that a rumor or no cause if they gave them a chance to bootcamp its is 100% JL's fault either way riot doesn't do replays remember that GC qualifier drama with the cheater and how the FPX situation unfolded people gonna be upset either way

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