Neilzinho's Aspas take

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Since the forum is flooded with it anyways might as well join in. I feel like the recent discussions have lost a lot of nuance and the mainstream analysts have done a VERY poor job properly explaining to people the differences in duelist playstyles.
When asked about it on stream Neil went into a good bit of detail. Neil sadly has clipping disabled so youre going to have to use the vod. His explanation starts at 1:18:15 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2242460430

Im going to put a summarized "transcript" below since idk how long the vod will be up, but I recommend watching it if youre interested

"I don't think Aspas baits. [...]"
He then swaps over to valoplant and gives an example of how a team can entry without needing the duelist to rush in first. He goes in detail on a "defensive" position Lev used Aspas in that made it very hard to deal with their execute on Abyss B site.
"They don't need the Jett to entry. So he can just sit back with the OP and pick you off one by one. [...]
Tldr. is you just play smart and safe. Its counter productive, but not if you set your team up to deal with it. And that's what they've done: They set their team up to not rely on their duelist taking space.
But its also why people say Aspas baits, because if Aspas isn't hitting shots [...] and if you anti strat them [...] [then] he has no impact [...].
If you don't play well against Aspas he'll farm you, basically. I think thats why people say he baits, because if you play against him properly and you don't give him the opportunities then it's hard for him to farm."


i think its right to listen to neil



ye I cut the (short) part where he talks about how they nullified aspas in the rematch out since i feel like thats only gonna lead to arguments, but neil is 100% one of the best people to listen to
Dude actually spent time countering aspas and pulled it off VERY successfully


rare L from neil


how? the entirety of lev shit the bed against TH including aspas who wasn’t even their best player lol


Can't defend statpas. He's been exposed in broad daylight.


I have problem with how he plays his clutches. If he does not want to die on entry fair game but your clutches should be good. Yk if aspas is alive he never sticks.

I've watched multiple rounds where he holds a passive angle in a 2v2 instead of protecting the defuser. This happened both vs edg and hertics.

Other aspects he's world class but whats the point when you can't get that one crucial round.


yeah this is true, i remember one time he actually did stick and won as it was completely unexpected because he never ever sticks

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