Since the forum is flooded with it anyways might as well join in. I feel like the recent discussions have lost a lot of nuance and the mainstream analysts have done a VERY poor job properly explaining to people the differences in duelist playstyles.
When asked about it on stream Neil went into a good bit of detail. Neil sadly has clipping disabled so youre going to have to use the vod. His explanation starts at 1:18:15
Im going to put a summarized "transcript" below since idk how long the vod will be up, but I recommend watching it if youre interested
"I don't think Aspas baits. [...]"
He then swaps over to valoplant and gives an example of how a team can entry without needing the duelist to rush in first. He goes in detail on a "defensive" position Lev used Aspas in that made it very hard to deal with their execute on Abyss B site.
"They don't need the Jett to entry. So he can just sit back with the OP and pick you off one by one. [...]
Tldr. is you just play smart and safe. Its counter productive, but not if you set your team up to deal with it. And that's what they've done: They set their team up to not rely on their duelist taking space.
But its also why people say Aspas baits, because if Aspas isn't hitting shots [...] and if you anti strat them [...] [then] he has no impact [...].
If you don't play well against Aspas he'll farm you, basically. I think thats why people say he baits, because if you play against him properly and you don't give him the opportunities then it's hard for him to farm."