lost Kickoff finals lost Stage 1 finals lost Shanghai finals might lose Champs finals π it's so over
paper rex story
How many finals prx had been?
Masters Copenhagen, Champs LA. Kickoff finals if we are counting that. So 3, I suppose.
Damn. That hurts. No wonder why for the last 2 events , their fans kinda expected more from them
U forgot 2023 Pacific finals
they won that
Prontera asked how many finals they had been not they had won
yeah mb i automatically went to those that they lost
2 Inter finals same as TH
as long as they have minibot im happy they lose
they need H1BER
So what's seem to be the problem here
New duelist that can frag and they can win finals too
2018 Team Liquid CS vibes
they might be worse than prx in terms of finals record
PRX vs TH Champions 2k25
they both lose and the trophy goes to DFM
Arena goes blackout, no winner announced
THocke team