Before people try to rewrite the history after listening to the Legija thoughts and opinion.i feel for yay. i will say again yay or anyone doesnt deserve any harassments over performance. criticism is always allowed. there are some point i want to highlights. Action always has consequences.
- Yay choosed to join bleed because of the 50k salary without any trials.
- he choose to join the team with had internal issue. if he researched more about the team then he would have known about it.
- he said no to play chamber that was his comfort agent.
- He has failed to proof that he played rank games in the off season as crazyguy showed the proof
- He is one of the major factor why egoist one of the most promising sg player retired.
- A ex tier 1 coach has said that hes been very toxic and bullying inactive and active members. many other people has come forward and showed support to this message as well
- A gengsta has said similar and many people have supported it.
- Rossy has tweeted in support of gengsta who was subtweeting yay. Steel has voiced his concern over yay many times. crazyguy had problems with yay. nephh egoist has liked the
gengsta post. egoist also subtweeted bleed indicating that they didnt end on a good term obviously.
Yay is not a bad person. yay is one of the best player to grace valorant. but we shouldnt ignore his behaviours. all of his happen after he fell off so him and his team not performing to his expectation probably is the main reason for this. i hope he can comeback and be the known as the cuddly killing machine as EL DIABLO. I wish good luck to him.