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is it me or is johnqt so OVERRATED? he hasn’t played a single good map since masters madrid, consistently sharing bottom frag with sacy or zellsis, i feel like SEN has to replace him if they want any chance to win anything


Thanks for the advice dude.


So in other words mate wants a fucking majorly playing. kj / cypher player to always top frag and come in top two , hmm interesting but brain-dead take
Let me tell u something bud , I don't know how much vct u watched but here: When ur on a supportive or that kind of role like kj , cypher, deadlock , viper u are sitting on sites most of the time to anchor them , u are just meant to hold to sites by not dying as long as u can and kill as many as u can while 5 players are jumping into ur ass , next on attack a lot of times u may be set up on that lurk thus a lot of time if ur team has good attack u will get no kills by the time u reach the enemy as ur team may have already cleaned them up.


then why are the other cypher/kjs performing more than he is? chichoo, benjy, tex, leaf, alfajer, literally ANY other sentinel on any team has more impact than him lmfao. he’s ass and he needs to be replaced


Oh lol so bro basically ignored my entire point and went to compare so here goes dude why aren't u like what ur mom or ur dad wants u to be huh or maybe ur gf wants u be a better guy at a lot of things why don't u earn more money like that other guy at ur job or get better grades like that class topper huh? Understood what I am trying to say


why are you so mad lmfao, he is not even close to being as good as any other sentinel player on ANY team, can’t you see it? didn’t know SEN fans could be this dumb


Bro I lie on the opposite end of the spectrum, I don't like sen at all cause usually my point in supporting a team is that they are underdogs , unless I hate the underdog team or like the better team heavily and sen never fit into that category cause it always looks like they come from americas region with full facilities goat like players so yeah but shitting on players unnecessarily in a brain dead way pisses me off , not asking to not criticize but saying just drop him is fucking crazy man it's like u guys always look for someone to blame


God forbid an anchor takes lesser kills than star duelist and tenz himself holy fuck


KJ/Cypher arent in the same category as Deadlock/Viper, KJ and Cypher are info sentinels with very high killing capabilities because of their util while Deadlock and Viper are more about stalling pushes and getting strong post plants on attack/great lurks, with Deadlock really struggling on attack without a plant. Deadlock and Viper are supports and generally if they are bottom of the board, doesnt really matter as long as theyre doing their job otherwise. For a KJ/Cypher to be bottom, their set-ups arent working or theyre getting found out incredibly easily so they lose kills off that.

johnqt is doing a great job as an IGL when hes on hard info sentinels, he doesnt top frag but stays consistent while calling which is very hard to do

The reason other sentinel players do better stat wise is because they are able to think about everything that is happening to just them, they dont have to call as an IGL, its not because sentinels arent a role for kills because pretty much every team has a star player on sentinel that frags out often


people aren’t gonna like it, i’m not blaming him but his lack of fragging is a big reason for the sen fall off but hes a IGL so the fragging should be dependent on him

the other 2 just gotta keep stepping up




Fragging is the least of his issue. He gets the kill he should get, most of the time. I don't know how the team dynamic works but he needs to be more authoritative. Saying "we played to not lose" in the press conference when your team didn't show anything to reverse the situation for a whole map and a half is a massive NO NO for me.


they were playing it to not lose, they were way too passive lotus t side and sunset defensive side

but there fragging is huge issues bruh, it’s so many gun fights they just lost on lotus and sunset

i feel like they’ll be fine vs other teams, but this will be the same issue vs a team like edg again and lev, 2 teams that are heavily reliant on aim


Of course they got skill diffed and they goften get skill diffed cz except tenz and zekken rest of the guys are not super individually skilled. I never denied that but they have beaten far more skilled team before. They had to be more active today and JohnQT had to force them to do their due diligence during the game. The way they played today, they were bound to get skill gapped even harder cz if you just sit back on site you are gonna get util dumped to a point you can't even shoot back. That's what happened today. JohnQT being thanos wouldn't have changed a thing today cz he doesn't take the first engagements. Zellsis and sacy had to more active on Sunset.


map1 he's the god
map2 he's the guy
map3 he's the slave


From tier 2 IGL to Masters winner, he's rating is perfect IMO


Obvious bait, ignore


I'll bite. What's your dream Sentinels roster for 2025?

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