How do I rank up? Do I need a duo?
How do I rank up? Do I need a duo?
You have less than a 70% KAST and you have a 175 ADR with a 1.1 KD. You 100% run it down and die with no possibility of being traded. That’s why your KAST is low and I’d bet you also run it down when you get an entry and give the enemy team a free kill. You have good stats because you run it down and im also sure you get hella eco frags.
If you're good with it then why ask for help? Yes you get kills but just going based off of your past few games, you almost always have the lowest KAST% every single time. You probably play really aggressive which lets you get 1 maybe 2 picks and then you just die with no trade possibility. That's also evident in your First Kill ratio. You get the picks but you just leave the rest of the round to your teammates and in Gold that shit is not a good thing to do. Try playing Initiator. You can trade out your duelists, and set yourself up as well.
You clearly have good aim. But if you want to win, you need to be win condition and close out rounds. Playing initiator or even controller would let you do that.