What is up with FNC hype?

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This champions, I have seen multiple people and creators put FNC top 3 in this tournament., but...why? FNC have not been good this year, they really struggled in the beginning and even though they won EMEA in Stage 1 we havent seen them preform in an international.
I even saw people saying that FNC would stomp G2, which in insane. G2 is objectively better than fnatic in practically every metric (calling, aiming, defense, plays, coordination, communication etc) so I genuinely dont understand these peoples logic.
I think some people need to get over their bias for fnatic, I know they are a fan favorite and everything, but this is 2024 FNC we are talking about and not 2023 FNC.

I feel like one argument I have seen is that fnatic has more experience than a lot of these teams, that they have a "we can always come back" mentality.. but thats not what they showed today. Of course, i dont want to base my opinion off of one match but it was obvious that they were freaking out (or "sh*tting the bed" like how Boaster put it) and not focused at all. If they were so nervous for a playoff game, what about in an elim game?
Fnatic just seems like one of those teams that dont really care that much.

Also i found it funny that SEN was voted for most overhyped, which is true, they are overhyped but still won masters Madrid, fnatic hasnt won anything...

(No hate to the players, ofc they are all incredible just my opinion)


you can bet ur ass that whoever put FNC top 3 or top 1 even are from EMEA region.


demon1 is russian bro


vlr says he's americas


He's Russian-American


prx and fnc riding off 2023 hype 😭😭


i think people just want 2023 FNC back, but its not the same team, they have a sub and a different coach than last year. I honestly doubt they're ever going to come close to their previous dominance, which is a shame but everyone else is catching up while they appear to be falling behind.


To be honest I have them at top 3 and here's why.

They went on a 9 game winning streak from Stage 2 until Group Stage. Although some of their games looked a bit sloppy, I chalked that up to playing with a sub and thought they'd improve. Not only that but FNC is a team with some of the most experienced players in terms of internationals. If you look at the rest of the teams in playoffs. SEN, TH, LEV, G2, Trace, and even EDG are either playing their first Champs ever or haven't made one in so long. I thought their experience would carry them through the top bracket.

Not sure what's going on recently but Boaster looks more frustrated than I've ever seen him. Any face cam I see is just him looking in pure terror and dread. Idk, those were some of my reasons.


Boaster had heavy expectations coming off from last year, it really messes with you when you fall off hard this early in the competition (lost to DRX in groups when you’ve been their father the past year, and getting soundly beaten by Heretics in map 1 and barely losing map 2 after choking a 5v3). It’s a far cry from the grand slam he expected this year and he knows he widely underperformed both as an igl and as a individual player this past series.


prx and fnc #1 frauds


BUMEA copers think domestic results from their Tier 7 region mean anything going to a global event

Greatly overestimating teams like TH and FUT because of the lack of competition in Europe means they think Flukenatic is actually a contender when they beat them

Then they show up and get spit on by 2nd seed APAC, fluke against 3rd seed Americas, and EMEA fans suddenly remember that they are simply skill diffed and unable to compete internationally

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