They looked competitive with Liquid for 2 maps then completely mental boomed on map 3. If they closed it out on map 2 would you be having this same sentiment?
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | March 26, 2024 |
Last post: | February 24, 2025 at 1:47 AM |
Posts: | 263 |
They looked competitive with Liquid for 2 maps then completely mental boomed on map 3. If they closed it out on map 2 would you be having this same sentiment?
I’m confused, what made this dude crash out when DRX with 2 brand new rookies put up a fight vs the VIT superteam?
I thought Zekken is sick and Skuba was subbing in for him.
Man bodied SEN twice during SEN’s own offseason event.
Woah chill bud, you still have VIT who’s shown to have a very high ceiling and Team Liquid who drastically improved over the course of the kickoff.
I don’t even think the Sentinels roster even want the smoke, they’re friends with the G2 roster.
Think you should be more worried about what G2 is about to do to Trace.
Dude you have a G2 flair, have some faith in your kickoff winner.
Happy that Americas is a 2-team region at least and can be proud of sending both teams to Bangkok.
If they’re playing with confidence like this, they could end up middle of the placings by the end of the tourney.
Reduxx is not taking Zellsis’s spot after yesterdays performance vs Aspas.
That makes them more underrated, least underrated is the same as team being glazed the most atm, so it has to be either G2 or VIT.
Every other team minus G2 (and 100T, but they’re always unlucky in kickoff) made major changes, give them time. G2 is running back mostly the same team with a huge upgrade in duelist, same coaching staff, and didn’t have to shake up roles or chemistry unlike the vast majority of the other teams.
Dude even signed an extended sentence beyond the original court ruling.
I would actually consider KangKang as a better example, if you traded away KangKang, the loyal face of EDG, the org would be under so much fire and scrutiny from everyone.
Depends on the definition we use for superteam, but if VIT qualifies as a superteam, Loud resurrected with current day versions of the players will definitely be a superteam.
Based on how the other matches went, I’m positive that G2 will trounce Sen due to OP’s jinx.
Choking implies they were favored, currently Sen are the underdogs on paper vs G2.
Wait why is that bad? It could mean that Sen could elevate themselves to TH/VIT perceived status rather than G2 being bad.
8-4 half, we saw NRG recover from this last map. I wouldn’t count them out just yet.
I mean we don’t even know who you’re rooting for, APAC isn’t on atm.
What metrics are we using to rate these teams? Current form, historical peak, accolades, consistency, impact on the scene, current players and alumni, etc?
Wait Sen only played Loud once prior to 2024? That’s honestly surprising.
Flag: Nigeria
Registered: January 25, 2025
Last post: January 25, 2025 at 7:16 PM
Posts: 1
Actually G2 is the closest since they made finals at worlds (before they got utterly stomped by FPX)
I remember 2 distinct clutches vs Loud on Sunset 1v3 in kickoff and 1v4 at Madrid which helped keep Sen in the game and completely broke Louds economy both times.
If FNS top frags, that means the rest of NRG aren’t shooting back.
Xeppaa had a life game vs NRG, this is him regressing back to the norm.
He’s the one that cuffed himself this off-season by deciding to extend to 2028.
Because it costs money to have a second team that won’t ever ascend to tier 1 (all academy teams can’t ascend as part of riots agreement) and you might be developing players that could become your future competition.
Problem isn’t kicking Moose, it’s kicking him this late in the season and completely invalidating the purpose of off-season events to build chemistry. They’re basically starting fresh with little to none practice coming into kickoff now with whoever they pick up next.
Bro put Sen fans on suicide watch when he went demon mode in stage 2 playoffs and knocked Sen out.
Zekken didn’t pull out Neon until champs playoffs this year, he’s been playing Raze and Jett every game before that.
They beat GenG twice in tournament elimination matches.
What’s your standard of a good org in Valo?
Do you mean Victor? Vic is on c9.
He’s won 2024 Americas Stage 1
Well he’s signed till 2028 so he’s basically staying there for life.
[VCT Contract Database Google Link]:
After seeing LoL worlds year after year and thinking back to our past three international events (Master Madrid, Masters Shanghai, and Champs Seoul) earlier this year, I’m truly thankful that every region is competitive internationally now to the extent that any region is able to win.
I really hope it stays that way for the fans of every region to have home teams that they can genuinely root for and see winning on the biggest of stages.
Got any upwards trend predictions in valorant player careers instead of people washing out?
I would be surprised if anyone argued against GenG, they got unlucky by being in the group of death with their Kryptonite being Sen coming from lowers.
So between 100T G2 NRG and Sen which one is sitting out?