Might be the best flex player right now besides chronicle he can play anything it's insane he's even the highest rated player rn
Real ones always rated him Definitely clears fraudsaken and that bum z0llsis
You clearly haven't seen Guardy play
I meat champs once he wins ascension and makes it into tier 1 he'll be the best for sure
first thing i saw after opening his vlr page is 156acs on his most played agent
As I said you clearly haven't seen Guardy play
lmfao no fucking way i didn't know there was a player named guardiola on barca esports that's such an insane coincidence
Yes there is, Antonio Guardiola, he's also arguably their best player
he doesnt flex anymore hes a full time smokes player
he play jett on abyss,kangkang on yoru,maybe we can see this when they face TE.
Yeah but he's played literally everything and he's done it, at least to me, pretty much wellh67
whenever edg run double duelist smoggy switches role and he still can flex to the other roles if he needed to.
Steven "Smoggy" Moggy
bro' smogging hahahahah (help i have no friends)
He's not even a flex now what are you talking about