is FNC lose(in groups) then this had to be the most unpredictable champs ever. i think it already is tbh.
I remember when ppl were going FNC vs GENG finals. GENG 3-2, FNC 3-2, FNC 3-1...
no it's not, FNC are ass
sentinels dopamine hit havent worn off yet i see
fnatic dopamine ain't never going to hit
fnc without leo are nothing
seed 1 is cursed
My group A pickems would be perfect if Fnc lose here
FNC are group B though? ?????
The thing is Fnatic got no real pressure playing with a sub. But still... I thought exactly because of that at least Playoffs are possible. :( Damn.
At least Heretics and Sentinels are in Playoffs. So two teams I like are on the go.