True, I think everyone replying is a low elo player because almost in all games I'm getting comms. Sometimes some of them are fluent speakers and sometimes I don't understand what they're waffling about.
Thats the problem. Im plat and my games do have comms. Its just there's some language barriers especially from the thicc accents. Look at primmie for example, even he is not fluent and he is the top local ranked demon, so crws become the translator of the team
Yeah, people like primmie and me are just too good for ranked. I honestly don't even need comms and miss the time when I used to get no commers. If the comms don't significantly help me, I will be muting them straight up.
Bro same. Is your ping higher than usual? I play with my friends sometimes and it’s annoying that all of us have high ping now on singapore, used to be the best server for us. This started happening since the last act
try exitlag, it fixed my issues. I used to spike from usual 80 to like 150-170 as well every game, but now it stays constant 70 even goes down to low 60's at times