Fadezis has been released by scarz alongside tixx , lumo and nolozy(analyst), what are your thoughts?
SZ have never been same since ascension finals ðŸ˜
In hindsight or maybe not, we should have seen this coming tbh, he kept changing roster every split 😅
Kinda want to see how this team will form their roster in order to qualify VCL JP split 3
I think scarz will finally get some good locals considering that vcj teams are dissolving left and right
JP is bless knowing that their T2 players are good
It's not always this way but it's getting better and better tho, I'm sure others are the same.
I'll take a bet that dvnc9(substitute)will finally join the main roster. (Speculative , no basis on this , just purely of off my feelings🤣)
mittii was right...
Nah mittiii was just rude at that time
yeah ofc
i know you’re happy rn
50 50 tbh , I'm happy that one of vcj's problem has been solved. But I think this guy can genuinely do something if he just learn Japanese.
Who is 'this guy'
He's a great coach, will find another team
Obviously and this time he will be able to form a roster without any restrain
Well all league have restrains. I hope we get the CIS league back tho
For sure, what I'm talking about is this guy basically handicapped himself by only coaching English speaking players in a region where you barely use English at all 💀
fair enough. Not much else to do if you're from Far East Russia tho so xD
I think fadezis will perform far better on his next team
Hope so, he's a very nice guy
I don't watch vcj but sad for tixx cuz I'm an oce fan
tixx will definitely get back to a team
Fadezis is a proven successful coach, he’ll find another team.