i got to used to seeing him in prx i just realized he is russian how was this guy in japanese leauge
even crazier
you when you realise russia is closer to japan than China is :🤯🤯
dude he is still russian not japanese
you dont have to be japanese to be in japanese league...
Then how come its called japanese leauge
Because it's in japan...
But the guy playing is russiannnn
oh yes everyone playing in the japanese league is russian
Russian is Asian 70% and 30% Europe. So no surprise there are Russian who live close to japan
ask rito why they delete vcl cis
More like ask Putin
wow the country right next to japan can play in the jp league what a discovery
yeah people only think of russia as european
GUYS WHY IS WIPPIE ALLOWED TO PLAY IN NA HE IS RUSSIAN!!!1!1!!! (russia isn't in Americas and therefore it makes no sense, ignore the alaska russia border guys it doesn't exist)