IDC aspas, primmie, woot, demon1, and something. they win everything. they dont need a coach or comms.
Replace primmie with someone whos actually good
i listed the most mechanically gifted players in franchising rn. primmie is without a doubt top 3
Tenz has better mechanics
tenz is without a doubt one of the best, but primmie has the best reaction time so its hard to compare unless theres a side by side
Top 3 after 3 games, 2 of which were losses is crazy. Give him time before you make a take bro
FNS, Boaster, Saadhak, Benkai, and Haodong clear
aspas duelist woot init primmie smokes demon1 senti something flex
i see the vision
the fact that this could very much work is the funny part. all of them can speak english since they either speak it on the team they currently are, or is their first language.
primmie speaks english. i thought he did not
well he probably does to a degree since Talon rn is an english speaking roster.
oh ok
he speaks the basics, crws has to translate more complicated stuff for him mid game
ahh thanks. but also with this much firewpower comms arent even needed. all they have to do is util, shoot, win
Replace S0mething with Sadhaak or John and you're actually cooking with gas
Stop calling humans God
a china fluker and diamond0 would not contribute to this team