Flag: United States
Registered: June 28, 2024
Last post: July 19, 2024 at 4:59 PM
Posts: 28


posted 7 months ago

bro just saw zekken's tweet

posted 7 months ago

a china fluker and diamond0 would not contribute to this team

posted 7 months ago


enjoying their deserved break after lifting their second trophy, where was TH?
oh right, the usual, disappointing the rest of Europe with their subpar performance
couldnt even beat a worse version of GenG than the one SEN played

posted 8 months ago

is the poor math supposed to impress me?
why don't you try comparing how some Shanghai teams made it through their regional leagues out of getting teams that can barely keep up with the rest?
take a look at how Americas just started and G2, a Shanghai "top contender" (as you claim), has only so far had 2 wins on Clown9 and a brand new NRG
is that the top contender level you defend so much?

the skill gap between teams like 100T and G2 vs teams like SEN, LOUD and LEV is in favor of the latter, simply because those last 3 have more potential, the only reason they had a chance was because its difficult to stay consistent after a big win like the one SEN had

g2? lev? TH? fnatic? Fut? all those teams haven't lost a game but that's "barely decent" according to your, clearly, high IQ.

G2 has only played two weaker rivals out of which only KRU ever really has a chance but rarely manage to focus up on important games
LEV, like I said, is the only other team apart from SEN, LOUD and 100T (vaguely) that has a potential to be good
I dont talk about MEMEA teams because evidently your league is just a Disney show set up for laughs, its a much more terrible competition than the one in Pacific. In other words, NA > Pacific > MEMEA

The only shot that MEMEA had at making it big international after FNC dominating last year was Shanghai were the only real competition was GenG and (again, vaguely) 100T.
even then, it just goes to show how lucky TH was to get 2 terrible Chinese teams to get out of swiss stage, opposite to Madrid were they had to play PRX and SEN, only to Travel Home before they had a chance to prove anything. LOL

also, SEN had to deal with a worse GenG? maybe thats because SEN as a whole was on the same level as them and ended up proving that they were better, poor TH only managed to get 2 wins on their worst maps and then couldnt get more than 4 rounds on the last 2 LMFAO

again, I guess this is just common knowledge that cant be taught to an island boy with a femboy complex
but thats the hard truth, so sorry you overrate your team despite their "success" being thanks to China unable to keep up and the competition being incredibly worse than the previous tournament
I rest my case

posted 8 months ago

diamond1 cost them their whole career during split 1 LUL

posted 8 months ago

maybe try speaking properly instead of trying to be funny, which you miserably fail at
and you're still wrong: Sentinels is still a strong team which is why theyre already in Playoffs, back in good form and theyre probably gonna end up qualifying for Champions anyway

as for GenG owning ur favorite flukers, you only had luck in their worst maps probably, whereas every other your team got owned in less than 6 rounds. LOL

you also cant argue back against the weak China and NA teams since it's public knowledge that Chinese teams can barely keep up with the rest of the competition and the NA teams that qualified are decent at best, you can look at how their progress is going in their regional leagues
dont even get me started on MEMEA

genuinely speaking, no bait, no jokes, maybe try using ur brain for once or perhaps that kind of element in life is unknown in that island of yours, which I wouldnt be surprised considering your name and flair. No team in Shanghai other than GenG and PRX were the favorites, and it's obvious because all of those teams are now barely doing decent
you can keep yapping like a little bitch that SEN fell off after Madrid, even then now they're back on form and probably gonna end up sendin ur favorites home (again KEKW), or another team with potential like LEV

your subjective way of defending a shit team is boring, you should keep on writing down baits because youre not good enough for a solid argument

posted 8 months ago

are u retarded?
ure going back on ur own words, u say s0m is worse than the weaker NA teams I mentioned and go on to yap about how he's gone from "1st to 8th" and now u agree? LOL

also evidently the competition in Shanghai was by far the least entertaining, the argument to watch that whole event was to "give other teams a chance" while everyone knows the true favorites would've made a perfect and more hyped tournament. It's like Bilibili qualifying for champs only to get two wins against NRG and then bombing out doing nothing, it was simply boring to watch

cute to know that you also don't defend TH as u know im right LUL, keep deflecting the comment

posted 8 months ago

funny you mention that considering s0m joined NRG after Shanghai and not before? even then hes still the best player in NRG so whats ur point? less than a month practice and theyre pulling slow but promising results

gen.g is obviously the better team right now so again, I dont see what ur point is

my point is that ure talking too much for someone who flairs for a team that made it to and through playoffs thanks to China and NA teams that are clearly not even top contenders LUL and even then still got sonned by GenG

posted 8 months ago

I wouldnt talk with a travelling home flair, u guys made it to grand finals thanks to China free wins and weak NA teams LUL

posted 8 months ago

MEMEA thinks they can claim anyone despite being the worst region rn KEKW

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

only Jawgemo has proven not to be a fluke fraud

posted 8 months ago

Shanghai had the weakest competition apart from like GenG lol

posted 8 months ago

to retirement KEKW

posted 8 months ago

k, then SEN will be the worst team itw

posted 8 months ago

with diamond1, NRG would only get 4 rounds per series

posted 8 months ago

travelling home

posted 8 months ago

LULQUID indeed

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

getting free wins against China and weak NA teams makes u a top 1 team lul

posted 8 months ago

Not Ronald, but yes, main banned hehe

posted 8 months ago

so when does KRU play? LUL

posted 8 months ago

keloqz on S tier?

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

hydrogen bomb is crazy

posted 8 months ago