I feel so bad for tuyz. He was primary controller when joining the team and now is forced to play a role he doesn't want cuz of shitty management. I hope they do not kick him, but its likely if they want to win.
He can absolutely be their main duelist with more time and practice, which they'll have now. The mid season transition from qck to pancada was just impossible to deal with cleanly.
As a team that's practically all supports, Loud performs better with a duelist that sticks close to the main core and doesn't make solo plays. That was the idea with qck, but frankly his routing was really off a lot of the time. Also Less's omen is kinda crazy if they wanna do the double orb smokes comp from bind again.
That being said if they drop tuyz I'll be upset. It's not his fault they decided to get pancada back when having better smokes was this team's least concern.