Do you guys think champs 2023, was their best chance at winning a trophy? I know Copenhagen went to 5 maps and I guess on paper that was their obvious best chance, but I feel that the 2023 meta + map pool was perfect for PRX. I will always be a fan of them, but I personally don't see them even having a chance at winning champs this year, and I'm just thinking about their champs run. Double duelist was still somewhat viable and they had just signed new firepower in Something. They were of course running maps where Jinggg would play raze and Something on Jett. And the times Jinggg wasn't on raze, he was playing Phoenix on Pearl (100% win rate during the Champs run). They did show they were capable of beating EG, but they changed their bind comp last second and lost. Idk, I feel like PRX lost out on their window of opportunity