bottom feeder teams

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Its an interesting fact to consider that EMEA doesnt really have a bottom feeder team

In americas its mibr and in apac its bleed getting passed around back and forth for a free win.

In emea, the closest you can get is KOI but even then they beat NaVi, GiantX and Vitality which are all mid-decent teams
Same for GiantX which beat NaVi BBL and went hella close against Heretics


NAVI is now officially in that category


I'd say pacific and EMEA are in a similar situation where instead of having 1 bottom feeder, there's a couple of them at a similar level

For EMEA it's been Koi, GiantX, Gentle Mates and recently Na'Vi lol
for Pacific It'd be Bleed, Zeta, DFM and GE

These teams will pull off some upsets sometimes or give us a good game to watch tho, unlike MiBR so yeah I'd say having 4 fairly equal teams at the bottom is better than having a single team clearly below par

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