ethan - flash initiator n4rrate - recon initiator/flex sayf - duelist s0m - smokes fns - igl/senti ur welcome nrg
sayf is retiring isn't he?
is he actually? if so that’s a huge loss
believe so, he said it at some point earlier this season iirc entirely possible he could change his mind but tbh they'd probably just run demon1 anyway, much easier
excuse me what the fuck. no he cant retire! What will EMEA valorant do without him?? who will I support without him!?
No demon1?
as long as fns is on the team going -40 the roster is still ass
my igl only goes -20 and can at least clutch sometimes
im wrong lol
fortunately there is only 1 import on this team
n4rrate is American
ok im dumb i thought he chose to be EU like ban and governor did
sayf is the only import, n4rrate is NA imported to EU remember
Ethan initiator Demon1 jett/smoke Jawgemo duelist/smoke S0m flex Fenis senti/iso
need to see fns in an iso ult immediately
does sayf speak english