FUT match will give a better showing of how good they are.
TH is just insane so im not dooming on navi yet
Whats on with suygetsyu , underfperforming big time.
shao on smokes i still dont understand , he should have been up with the likes of Leo as a clutch initiator , but here playing smokes.
at this point just bring turkish wonderkids to you team and you are the best team in the world
as an initiator shao was farming
Navi needs a better dueslist also , may be a T2 wonderkid , zyppan doesnt cut it , any replacement opportunities ?
atleast get some firepower , ardiis is good but he is not that fuck it duelist who can just rush in , he is pretty similar to NARRATE and would play really well on the secondary initiator and secondary duelist role
but you are right , similar for Boaster ig but my only problem is shao's role , i felt he was pretty similar to Leo and could do better as an initiator