radiant = faceit lv10
immortal = faceit lv8~9
do you agree?
surely you know it better,i guess tarik and hiko are just not qualified to talk and spread lies
https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/2595327/lvl-10-worse. Level 10 is much easy to claim than radiant . End of story. At least in NA EmEa server
valorant is way easier lol
I mean radiants surely are above than 2k elo bots, 100%
i would say 3-3.5k elo are equal to Val radiants
less than 3k elo are immo 3
2k and less are immo 1-2
but at the same time you need to understand that 4.7k elo and above are equal to 1000rr radiant and max elo on faceit is more than 6k by Goddessy
Valorant top 500 if youre trying to compare to faceit top 500. Is not even close. Valorant top 500 would be equivalent to 2k-2.1k elo Faceit. At least 100 of the top 500 radiants boost with their iron alt accounts in 5 stacks. They get exposed on twitter all the time and nothing happens. If an FPL player was caught queuing with lvl 1’s and it got posted to twitter. He would be insta banned for boosting. Riot on the other hand defends players by saying “they are enjoying the game with friends”. But as far as immortal. Hell no. Immortal 1-3 is a joke. Immortal 1-3 might be MIGHT be. Lvl 7/8 Faceit at best. Immortal is plat but a different color. Absolute brain damage in those lobbies. Along with egos for zero reason. Ive never seen a gaming community gain so much confidence being the SECOND best rank in a game. Its like they forget radiant exists.