Obviously trolling but maybe a 6-man roster is possible
no one used a 6man roster, he will be benchwarmer like that. Most likely to be content creator
Are u both idiots?Miniboo is trolling obv.Pati will step down
if u dont know arnau vidal is the ceo
That's why it is a joke
okay okay... but i still thinl replacement is inevitable
It’s 100% not happening my friend, patitek is FA on Monday and Mini’s back on the team even if they 3-0 GenG tomorrow
U do realize the ceo is also trolling?I'll break it down for u. There is no universe where miniboo gets replaced by pati,why?cause miniboo has higher ceiling and more skilled as a player. That's all.
Lmao no. The only simple reason is because miniboo has a contract and patitek doesn’t.
Lmao MiniBoo has been by far TH best player at Kick off, Madrid, and second best player at split 1, stop the non sense
I said they were obviously trolling
nah, you dont just replace main with sub just because sub did good at event.
especially now that neon will be buffed heretics will be interested on keeping the neon goat.
this guy thinks miniboo is being serious 😭💀