Luminosity Gaming - The Stats of LCQ

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Luminosity Gaming
Lost 2-1 to XSET in Upper Quarterfinals

  • W 13-2 Haven
  • L 8-13 Ascent
  • L 10-13 Split
    Lost 2-0 to Gen.G Esports in Lower Round 1
  • L 9-13 Haven
  • L 9-13 Split

YaBoiDre has garnered a lot of attention recently due to his unprecedented agent switch from majority Reyna/Raze to now mostly playing Jett. Lifetime stats as per rib.gg have him as playing raze 43.4% of the time and Reyna 15.2%. Over the past 90 days that balance is now 50% Jett, 40% Raze and, 10% Reyna. Seemingly, as a result of this change YaBoiDre's ACS scores in LG's matches dropped drastically whenever he was playing Jett and that pattern seems to have continued through LCQ.

ACS as % of team total YaBoiDre

ACS/Agent YaBoiDre

Excluding the one game against one game on Ascent against XSET, YaBoiDre drastically underperformed on the agent which often played a large part in why LG was losing.

First Kills / First Deaths +/- YaBoiDre

In other words, get this man off of Jett and let him loose on Reyna and Raze.

Before S3 Challengers Playoffs, Moose had not played for LG for 4 months due to a wrist injury. In that tournament, we only got to see 5 maps of him where he managed to play 3 different agents: Killjoy, Sage, Skye for an overall +/- score of -19. This time round we were once again treated with another 5 rounds of Moosey goodness but on the Sova and Viper this time.
His Sova was pretty damn impressive over the course of the three maps he played averaging an ACS of 262. His Viper was slightly less impactful on the numbers side of things but on an LG team that lost both times that they played Split he fulfilled his role pretty well.

ACS as % of Team Total Moose

ACS/Agent Moose

Moose averaging 23% of his team's ACS whilst switching between Sova and Viper is pretty impressive already. Keep this man on the Sova, maybe the Viper as well. Oh, by the way, he got 41 assists over the 5 maps. That comes to about an assist every 2 rounds whilst he was also getting nearly 0.75 KPR on a losing team. It's Moose season baby.

dazzLe came in and hit us with the 100% Skye pick rate after not playing her a single time before this tournament and honestly it was sort of underwhelming. He didn't bottom frag once but he also didn't top frag at any point. LG clearly wanted to use that powerful Skye/Sova duo on most of the maps and dazzLe filled the Skye role enough. But that's sort of all he did - enough.

ACS as % of Team Total dazzLe

ACS/Agent dazzLe

He didn't really manage to have the same impact as some of the players we have seen exclusively play Skye recently - Ethan and Starxo jump to mind - but he showed understanding of the agent and potential to work well alongside Moose's Sova.

aproto stayed faithful to Cypher in this tournament and the results were middling. He had one outstanding performance on Split against XSET that didn't mean much in the end but was pretty cool to see.

ACS as % of Team Total aproto

ACS/Agent aproto

There was, however, one thing that aproto did exceedingly well throughout the five maps that LG played and that was the ol' reliable popping of heads. He finished the tournament with an average percentage of 37.2% with a low of 28% and a high of 47%. aproto and his lovely square crosshair may just be the Kings of Headshots.

Headshot Percentage aproto

Last but certainly not least is the Astra demon himself TiGG. He had an incredibly strong start in that first game against XSET with a 4.4 KD and then returned to the reliable controller that he has been for LG since signing with them.

ACS as % of Team Total TiGG

ACS/Agent TiGG

TiGG played well for LG throughout the tournament and that Haven game against XSET pretty much proved that Astra is still one of the best and most important agents in the game especially on maps like Haven.

Overall Team
Just some more interesting graphs to look at:

ACS Throughout Tournament For LG

Agent Selection Percentages For LG

Clutch Percentages For Each Player LG


The End - Thank you for reading, hope you found some interesting stuff. Shame LG are out tbh, I'm a big fan of YaBoiDre but him on Jett just makes no sense when we have seen what he can do on Reyna.

I plan to do this for every team that goes out from LCQ just out of personal interest but any suggestions to improve the format or ideas for more graphs and stats to include are welcome.

Other threads completed are linked below:

FaZe Clan

Gen. G

Version 1



jesus fucking christ
this is longer than šŸ˜³


I ain't really interested in LG but good job man, i'll definitely read about the other teams. Keep up the work!


bery interesting


Good Work


That roster of LG has alot of potential but YABOIDRE is now a Restricted free agent!!!


they need to find a proper jett, and double duelist meta is slowly dying off


Good read man. LG definitely had the potential to have more success in the tourney, but it's just unlucky really


Good read man!
With some dedication and if you can read playstyle of team maybe you can apply for a analyst!


Hope LG does better in 2022 :) good read


you should do more of this :D


but your stats degree in good use I see


Allow this guy to make News threads for vlr.gg

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