few ppl(wanted to write most but trying to play safe) literally have some superiority complex over here. For example most of the guys with non-sen flair consider themselves superior(kinda) than those with sen flair & call them bandwagoners, 0 heads & even use "sen fan" as an insult here. This is not only prevalent in esports but also in general topics as well for example recently I praised windows 11 while not talking anything trash about any other OS or version but few ppl started downvoting me & trashtalking about my choice cuz I didn't name their best OS windows 7 as my fav. Everyday I get called out here for being an indian(obv because they consider themselves superior than us). These ppl literally makes me feel as if being indian is some sort of crime here. I can't support my fav team otherwise I will get replies like "cringedian" or "flag/country checks out" & many other things I can't even remember rn. Every day I see at least one thread where they are trying to insult indians or call them or their players bad. I have my bias you have yours pls learn to respect others' opinion as well. tbh a person's taste in anything is always subjective & as long as it doesn't hurt anyone(physically or mentally) or isn't morally wrong we shouldn't consider it wrong or inferior(yes a lot of people here consider themselves mature & superior cuz they watch some less mainstream influencers or have some unpopular opinion or they don't follow some mainstream pro player or team or ain't from india.
tl;dr: Unpopular opinion doesn't mean you are right & neither do having mainstream opinion makes you wrong. Also I would like to add one more point your maturity isn't defined by whom you follow or what you like or where you live but rather by your actions(obviously irl).
Not written with the intention of hurting anyone. You are free to troll me but just think about the point I made in this comment.
Edit: Since some ppl wanted proofs here's one: https://www.vlr.gg/47223/liquid/#15