As SEN fans, do you get offended by that tweet? Because I am a SEN fan, and I didn't get offended by that. And if you're softer than me, a femboy, you might be cooked buddy. Think about it :)
Was anyone offended by it? In my eyes the whole time it was just bad because of how distasteful of a joke it was coming from an ORGANISATION. like if the players tweeted that then who cares but this is literally the org that got rid of their CEO because he was friends with a controversial personality
I have observed that for the past few days, u have been constantly trying to light a fire up sen fans' asses by bringing up a very minority of its fanbase who had objections to the tweet. You have accomplished nothing by doing so other than getting a rod stuck up ur ass. I am not saying anything regarding the tweet.
People on this website and in general, perform hypocrisy on a daily basis but just because it is coming from the most clouted org, people are acting like they have performed a crime. I do agree that both zellsis and g2 tweets can be funny or triggering depending upon the individual. But you have been trying to act like u r a messiah constantly apart from some others who think saying "RETARDED" makes them look cool. So I am going ask u one simple question.
Do you need some attention and care?