Heh, here we are again eh? Sunset is map that seems to be generally disliked, not quite icebox and breeze bad but probably the next most hated. So what can we do to fix it?
Broken B Plant
The stairs plant on B for B main is just silly spamfest slop just like pearl was, so what can we do? Perhaps the left side of the pillar needs some kind of rework to make it so spike can't be planted against the wall and seen from main. Idk if they just remove the left side or change it or what we just need something to fix this issue. -
For both attackers and defenders mid is kinda trash and only used for lurks and occasional market crunches, with no a pressure without going into spawn, very similar to icebox mid actually. How to fix? Well I think fixing broken B plant will make market a far more important area for attackers and in turn defenders, but I think top mid needs some changes. Atm attackers are just walking into a crossfire which feels unfun and silly to take. I think more cover from the B side of top mid is needed so attackers can actually contest A from mid without it being a gimmick. -
I like how A is atm but it is kinda just retake sim most of the time so hypothetically let's do some changes. I think the little box in the bottom left of the site should NOT be wallbangable. It is a free clear for attackers and requires no util. Tbh I think A is A-okay already but maybe defenders need 1 more spot they can play on site.
What do you think of sunset and what do you think about these ideas? Let me know in the comments down below!