If SEN wins against Furia, 100T wins against NRG and Loud win against G2, 3 teams in group A will have the same amount of wins and losses, what happens then? Do they check who won the most maps, or rounds or smth?
round differential will matter
Heard maps difference goes first
Thanks man greatly appreciated gonna check on the map difference now!
It’s possible but I don’t want to sen in playoffs so they can have rest
Yea they deserve it
it’s nearly impossible, SEN’s round differential is pretty bad.
you ever heard of nicholas goatifi ?
Sen 2-0 Furia Loud 2-0 G2 100t 2-0 Nrg
That’s the only way , if only 1 of those games don’t go 2-0 it’s over
then after this, it will be round differential between the 3 and SEN pretty much have to 13/3 both maps
its joeverrrr, id rather they rest unless they get some godlike boost of energy from 100T clapping NRG (or getting clapped)
Nah cuz if Loud 2-0 g2 their round difference will drop so a 26-12 or smth like that might be enough
But still if furia gets more than 15 rounds their odds are bad
really wish they dont qualify. they overrated
They played the most pre-season games got studied and they're burnt out. it's only natural to get owned after that. Sucks to see.