Flag: Australia
Registered: November 25, 2023
Last post: December 12, 2024 at 8:36 AM
Posts: 174
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Narrate is a known tilter, mental tweaker

JohnQT's kryptonite lmao

posted 2 months ago

No hate to MITH though, they played well and CGRS legend is back

Just pointing out last round in final map, SEN cluttered after flank and Narrate got picked off

posted 2 months ago

Let's be real, this throw was a SEN NARRATE TILT classic

posted 2 months ago

They need to lose to actually consider changes, false sense of security if they win.

Another year of mid finishes.

posted 3 months ago

I headed out with kkOma to tour his farm, and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?” He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Faker? The goat is never washed.”

posted 3 months ago

I headed out with kkOma to tour his farm, and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?” He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Faker? The goat is never washed.”

posted 3 months ago

I headed out with kkOma to tour his farm, and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?” He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Faker? The goat is never washed.”

posted 3 months ago

I was out of town, doing a bit of visiting. I heard my friend Sacy had finally taken the time to settle down in the countryside. Rightfully so, after what he’d been through, with all the pent-up stress and frustration built up over the years of being one of the best initiators.

“How have things been buddy?” I asked, as I saw Sacy step out of the house upon hearing my car come in the drive-through. “All good, life’s been a lot more chill, now that I’ve retired,” he answered. “Hey, wanna check out my animals out back? I’ve taken up farming as a hobby with my free time,” as he motioned over to the back gate.

We headed out and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his ex teammates, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?”

He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Tenz? The goat is never washed.”

posted 4 months ago

defs earned that MVP

posted 6 months ago


Game 5

Banger map 4 ending

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

even if "crowd gave it away" TH would still have closed out that map

Same with the next maps, just better overall

posted 6 months ago

Plant deny MVP lmfao

posted 6 months ago


and Australia has Raygun

posted 6 months ago

Zellsis is great and all but seeing how Tex is playing right now, Yay in the market and other great aimers able to go senti

Probably seeing a change soon.

posted 6 months ago

yeah G2 SOLD lmao

posted 6 months ago

doesn't matter, they beat SEN on the biggest stage in a reverse sweep

If they 2-0 LEV its so over for NA

posted 6 months ago

EU will have this win on them forever

Edit: maybe i should've written AMER region LMAO the 'LEV isn't NA' team is here

posted 6 months ago

copypastas loading

posted 6 months ago

Now, I’ve always been a dog lover ever since I was young. I adored those animals so much that I started volunteering at the local animal shelter. Working at the shelter and helping those poor souls with nowhere to go brought me daily fulfillment and happiness. There was one group of dogs that I grew especially fond over as they were just the most majestic looking beasts ever. They used to be prized hunting hounds for some rich British family, winning a couple hunting competitions back in their prime. But, as they grew old and frail, they were abandoned by the pricks. I decided to name them Boaster, Derke, Alfa, Chronicle and Leo.

Now call me sentimental but I became really attached to these dogs, feeding them and playing with them everyday. Hence when Leo passed away due to being too sick, I cried and became depressed. I stopped eating and drank heavily, spiraling my life downwards. However, a new stray canine joined the shelter, filling the void in my broken heart, essentially saving my life. I named him “Hiro” for being a hero that led me to salvation.

One day, I came into the shelter, excited as usual to see my dear dogs. However, they were nowhere to be seen. I asked a fellow volunteer where they were. He replied “FNATIC”. With a sinking stomach, I broke down completely and fell to my knees. I knew my dogs have been put down

posted 6 months ago

Now, I’ve always been a dog lover ever since I was young. I adored those animals so much that I started volunteering at the local animal shelter. Working at the shelter and helping those poor souls with nowhere to go brought me daily fulfillment and happiness. There was one group of dogs that I grew especially fond over as they were just the most majestic looking beasts ever. They used to be prized hunting hounds for some rich British family, winning a couple hunting competitions back in their prime. But, as they grew old and frail, they were abandoned by the pricks. I decided to name them Boaster, Derke, Alfa, Chronicle and Leo.

Now call me sentimental but I became really attached to these dogs, feeding them and playing with them everyday. Hence when Leo passed away due to being too sick, I cried and became depressed. I stopped eating and drank heavily, spiraling my life downwards. However, a new stray canine joined the shelter, filling the void in my broken heart, essentially saving my life. I named him “Hiro” for being a hero that led me to salvation.

One day, I came into the shelter, excited as usual to see my dear dogs. However, they were nowhere to be seen. I asked a fellow volunteer where they were. He replied “FNATIC”. With a sinking stomach, I broke down completely and fell to my knees. I knew my dogs have been put down

posted 6 months ago

what did LEV do to you lil bro

posted 6 months ago

Now, I’ve always been a dog lover ever since I was young. I adored those animals so much that I started volunteering at the local animal shelter. Working at the shelter and helping those poor souls with nowhere to go brought me daily fulfillment and happiness. There was one group of dogs that I grew especially fond over as they were just the most majestic looking beasts ever. They used to be prized hunting hounds for some rich British family, winning a couple hunting competitions back in their prime. But, as they grew old and frail, they were abandoned by the pricks. I decided to name them Boaster, Derke, Alfa, Chronicle and Leo.

Now call me sentimental but I became really attached to these dogs, feeding them and playing with them everyday. Hence when Leo passed away due to being too sick, I cried and became depressed. I stopped eating and drank heavily, spiraling my life downwards. However, a new stray canine joined the shelter, filling the void in my broken heart, essentially saving my life. I named him “Hiro” for being a hero that led me to salvation.

One day, I came into the shelter, excited as usual to see my dear dogs. However, they were nowhere to be seen. I asked a fellow volunteer where they were. He replied “FNATIC”. With a sinking stomach, I broke down completely and fell to my knees. I knew my dogs have been put down

posted 6 months ago

Now, I’ve always been a dog lover ever since I was young. I adored those animals so much that I started volunteering at the local animal shelter. Working at the shelter and helping those poor souls with nowhere to go brought me daily fulfillment and happiness. There was one group of dogs that I grew especially fond over as they were just the most majestic looking beasts ever. They used to be prized hunting hounds for some rich British family, winning a couple hunting competitions back in their prime. But, as they grew old and frail, they were abandoned by the pricks. I decided to name them Boaster, Derke, Alfa, Chronicle and Leo.

Now call me sentimental but I became really attached to these dogs, feeding them and playing with them everyday. Hence when Leo passed away due to being too sick, I cried and became depressed. I stopped eating and drank heavily, spiraling my life downwards. However, a new stray canine joined the shelter, filling the void in my broken heart, essentially saving my life. I named him “Hiro” for being a hero that led me to salvation.

One day, I came into the shelter, excited as usual to see my dear dogs. However, they were nowhere to be seen. I asked a fellow volunteer where they were. He replied “FNATIC”. With a sinking stomach, I broke down completely and fell to my knees. I knew my dogs have been put down

posted 6 months ago

stop hating on boaster he's doing NA a favour being this good at what he does
"iGL doesn't have to frag "

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Poor showing honestly, same mistakes still there from EDG games

posted 6 months ago



13-11 SEN
14-12 DRX
13-6 SEN

posted 6 months ago

extra scrims

posted 7 months ago

Never accused you of bagging though, I was agreeing with your post that this match doesn't matter and fr0st is using this as extra scrim. Just putting it out there that a good percentage of hate on Primmie is from TS fans (at least the bad eggs) after their loss, just check youtube chat for APAC.

posted 7 months ago

You guys are the true TS fans though, not the bad baluts bagging on Primmie "stealing TS' spot at worlds" lmao

posted 7 months ago

Fr0st is a shady coach ngl, but TS fans just need to accept their loss too. No point bagging on Primmie on his debut games, kid's making it to worlds with his team, TS isn't - nothing changes that.

posted 7 months ago

how did TS fans not make it to top 1worst fanbase? They deserve to win something at least.

These guys still can't accept losing to TLN and on Primmie's ass 24/7 as if that changes anything with their cancelled watch parties lol.

posted 7 months ago

Any "PH Superteam" will fail, since PH fanbase has such negative aura, one loss and whole team cops collective hate from all sorts of bs reasons.

posted 7 months ago

Ethan had full setup for him and he didn't trust that what

posted 7 months ago

No cap though, MIBR will be the darkhorse in the bracket, we're going to see some fun tiebreakers and neck and neck standings

posted 8 months ago

actual hot take

Crashies meshes better than ethan - they need raw aim and Demon1 > Ethan

posted 8 months ago

I think Boaster can tame the beast (body positivity come on guys)

In all seriousness though, they could do with the firepowaaaaaa

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

NRG looking even more insane now, what can SEN do next split :(

Thank fk we are 9 points ahead

posted 8 months ago

would have comm issues R1-6 lmao

posted 8 months ago

Duelist: Ethos ($0.5)
Initiator: AverageJonas ($0.5)
IGL: Shahzam ($1)
Flex: WestJett (Free)
Controller: WooHooJin ($0.5)

Team of Best Friends

My Org -> $12.50

R1 - Untameable Beasts -> WIN
R2 - '22 G2 Gozen -> WIN
R3 - Current TSM -> LOSE
R4 - '23 LCQ/Champs KRU -> LOSE
R5 - '23 Champs DRX -> LOSE
R6 - Madrid GENG -> LOSE

posted 8 months ago

lower bracket round 3 will be a snooze fest vs 100T


Everyone channel TH win over FUT for a banger series vs 100T

posted 8 months ago

impression farmer lol

PRX wasn't bad, 100T was just better

posted 8 months ago

pretty sure this guy is trolling/farming impressions

can't get through to this guy's head kek

posted 8 months ago

agreed and something has the best quick thinking / on the spot decision making out of all of them

maybe comms issue with some throws

posted 8 months ago
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