sorry that you have to wake up in Europe every day
Non c'Γ¨ tanto da elaborare. Guarda i dati, vedi le classifiche.
l'Italia Γ¨ un buon paese dove vivere ma tutto sommato lo sono anche gli stati uniti. In media una persona negli stati uniti puΓ² permettersi di piΓΉ di una che vive in Italia (anche considerando spese che lo stato italiano da come servizi gratuiti o calmierati), ma comunque avere servizi fondamentali come, soprattutto, l'healthcare gratuiti Γ¨ abbastanza importante.
Non direi che l'Italia Γ¨ molto meglio degli stati uniti come paese in cui vivere. Se proprio dovessi decidere, sceglierei gli usa.
Inoltre anche i livelli di democrazia, libertΓ di stampa etc sono molto simili tra usa e italia.
Inoltre tra Canada e Italia com'Γ¨ qualitΓ di vita il Canada vince 10-0
Comunque in Europa c'Γ¨ molto, molto di meglio
I feel like you're being slightly ignorant to the societal issues that currently go on in the United States, sure you'd probably succeed better economically in the United States but you're also vulnerable to income inequality and gun violence and in addition child poverty is far too common as well as single parent households and don't get me started on the quality of food and the level of obesity.
I also think that Italy has far more historical heritage and culture than the US
In everything regarding history obviously Italy is clear. But who tf cares? This won't change anything in your day to day life.
And no. I am perfectly aware of the bad situation the us are rn.
But still. Italy is no heaven. It is probably safer, but the economical part of it still stands. Plus even Italy isn't that safe. See Milan for example. Let's not joke ourselves.
And still. Canada is clear.
I do not need to prove my ethnicity in a god damn forum. Not everyone who shits on EU is a Southeast Asian.
And you have zero idea what you're talking about. Having millions of Brazillian, Chinese, Korean, Okinawans (no, they are not the same) coexist for so long isn't multicultural enough for you? Being multicultural doesn't mean adding a muslim and an Indian in a hotpot. I'm pretty sure Fins hate everyone who is not white