Low key valid from yay if true, that guy was so bad 😭😭
If the coach accepted this alleged bribe it just would’ve sent genghsta into this retired hate watcher a little earlier. Subtweeting yay bad performances, posting this long threads about yay, leaking scrims of him..
The guy keeps up with everything yay does just so he can get a hate boner for it. Oh my God yay lost and played bad today, only .6 rating lfgggg. Lemme subtweet that
I always felt that yay going to dsg was the big mistake, not cloud9 or leaving optic players in general. He went to a below mid tier 2 team because he couldn’t go to tier 1 and had to deal with these young unserious people who hate watch him to this day. Dsg probably destroyed any love he had.
Look at these attempted carry jobs, these were his first dsg games after the one game with steel.
The fact he couldn’t win these games against the other weaker teams in tier 2 probably broke him. With him playing the way he was in those and still not being able to win.. I’d be offering 10k to bench players too.
Even after c9, yay had passion, yay was talented. After dsg it’s not the same, he doesn’t have passion and he is visibly way worse.
Also I missed this but: