Imagine, sudenly you (your current skill set) are forced to play in VCT for this next season, you are allowed to bring in 4 people and a coach to surrond youself win, and the goal is to get as many wins as possible.
My team
Coach: Potter, Amazing coach, great at devolping strats and newer players
Duelist: Aspas, will carry always dropping bombs and can solo win games
Flex/igl: Saadhak, great igl who can also frag hard unlike other igls, great at creating strats/metas
Initator: davai, can flex onto smokes if needed, amazing player, amazing clutches etc.
Smokes: Mako, best smokes player in the world,, can hard carry when needed
Sentinel: Me, senti is the easiest role at the pro level, not hard to learn set ups and aim and game sense dont matter as much as other roles
Overall I can see us qualing for international events, but I cant see us winning since ill be dropping max 10 kills a series (if I have a life game)