Obviously the alfajer 1v2 despite not being very mechanically good of a clip is absolutely insane for the stakes, on the topic of LOCK-IN I think NRG has had a lot of more minor clips but still insane like the two clutches against giants on lotus and in other events and the regular season s0ms lucky ace spray down vs LOUD in A is absurd and on a more notorious note who can forget the s0m shorty in the cove, as for giants looking at the more positive side for them the fit1nho 4k in heaven vs EDG is absolutely insane and one of the best clips in all of valorants history. For the champions, EG c0ms 1v2 flank clutch is insane and of course demon1 sporting multiple insane shots but one that comes to mind the most is vs drx on fracture by arcade, while still remaining on fracture and moving to brazil saadhaaks 2v5 but might as well be a 1v5 is fantastic aswell and kangkang had multiple insane op clips and the clutch on fracture vs giants.
ingoring all the yap i just did whats the best plays or blunders in franchising so far