avova >>>>
G2 = Nukkye Avova and friends
Lan keloqz hits different
Nukkye and Avova are so fucking good at clutching it's insane
Avova is a beast. Best in his role in the world.
I would put nitr0 on the same level as him but his clutches are just different
I would say nitr0 aim wise might have an edge but my guy Avova got the best smokes. BIG BRAIN.
I would say the opposite lmfao i feel avova spectre just diffs every weapon in the game but nitr0's brain is more massive
Easily the best Astra and clutch god.
avova fucks
Avova fucks your mom ye
Dude does this regularly
From the start of EU valo
You can find a clip like this for AvovA on every series
C of Haven is like his house, there are plenty of clips of him there