optic core was not going to stay together after champs '22 irrespective of franchising.. they literally talked about internal issues and fns confirmed on stream that there were issues but he wont talk about them publicly.
yay is not 1 trick, he was simply the best on chamber + his jett on envy/abx was good. if ardiis, tenz etc can learn other agents so can yay but he hasnt been on a good/winning team since optic.
c9 fucked yay and it is the home to nepo/"friends" group of washed cs pros who have achieved fuck-all but keep getting tier 1 chances cause of their little jerk circle (xeppa, vanity, leaf).
yay might be a little toxic but then who isnt in esports, he seems like a nice guy who will start winning once he is part of a team with better synergy like tenz found with this new sentinels. fuck c9 and fuck anyone hate watching his bleed matches lmao