A lot of people believe sacy is better than caunzin because he won a trophy. This posts purpose is to prove it wrong
Aim: Caunzin
Utility: Caunzin, his sova on ascent and skye on bind is straight up perfection.
HS%: Caunzin
Spray transfer: Caunzin, unlike sacy who crouch spams with a phantom caunzin is pretty good.
Clutch rate: Caunzin, scay has one clutch in 2 maps and all of it is crouch spamming or enemies with lower hp.
Agent pool: Caunzin plays all initiator at highest level unlike sacy who can't play any agent other than sova at the highest level.
It's true that sacy has a Champions and a masters but having a trophy doesn't make the person a top 3/5 player in their role because at the end of the day its a team game.
To conclude I'd like to say in my opinion Caunzin not only clears sacy but I'd go one step further and put him as the best initiator in the world currently.