id be so down to see how that would go tbh
He would double satchel with op every round and either kill 4 or die. Alecks has enough stress to deal with already I don't think watching something lose 4700 credits in the enemies spawn every 3 rounds would be good for his health.
They should have a blood pressure monitor whenever alecks is coaching. Id be fun seeing the number go up and down rapidly.
they literally have godsaken to play raze and i hope they lean towards that
something cant tho forsaken is litreally the best flex itw
I would imagine they tried it in scrims and it didn’t work idk. Would be weird if they didn’t even try it
raze satchel and op, damn it would be crazy. Truly W gaming
They can just give it to forsaken
just have f0rsaken raze and have something play gekko op on every map like boostio