For french team i'll do a team with 2 subs with max 2 from same team
Igl initiator : Enzo (TL)
Duelist : Keloqz (DVM)
Flex : NataNk (M8)
Sentinel : LogaN (M8)
Controler : Shin (KC)
- Kadavra (DVM) and Akumaa (MDR) both really flexible , duelist , initiator , sentinel , controler
(I Think That takas is the best duelist but natank and logan are already from M8 in the team and i think the gap of their skill compared to the others opponents on their role is larger than the one between Takas and Keloqz (and with the others great french duelists like Goaster (MDR) or Lux9 (ZER) too))
wITH ZE1sh and pm as coaching staff with the first one head coach this time
I think this team would be like a TOP 5 EU nation team with Russia , UK , Turkey and poland and somewhere in the top 10 behind USA , Canada , brazil and Korea on paper .
PS: Maybe i'm biased as a french and M8 fan , i tried to be objective as much as i can , but i think in general that france as a really good depth of good players that are no names for most of the people but , when u follow them it seems that they are futuret T1 players ,and for some ,really close to already be . And i think objectively that we have one of the moststacked vcl , maybe we could see another french org win the ascension this year , i predict at least that the second of our league will win the play-ins .