Flag: France
Registered: January 30, 2024
Last post: February 1, 2025 at 3:49 PM
Posts: 31

Ange1 IN

posted 1 month ago

No the igl is Unfake , always have been a good fragging igl and was igling for zerance last year , they came to JL with Larsson the Head coach

posted 1 month ago

he is counter smurfing , if u use a smurf he's punishing u for that , delete your account

posted 1 month ago

babax isnn't Igling neither Hyp (not anymore ) and mikee wasn't igling too at JL .
Zerance IGL is BigFiz and Enzo is gonna IGL for Mandatory

posted 1 month ago

IT's almost sure that KC will have an academy replacing Akroma in French league , F4ngeer and Yohpa should be their first players.

posted 4 months ago

He's talking about split 1 roster i think and yes the team was stack but they had no real igl (prob why it flopped) , Keloqz Kadavra Newzera Juseu and Marctylinho. But they are rich like Cresus and leakers are saying their roster will be Foxie Sayonara Fizzy(smoker) Logan and Takas based on who is trialling the most with them but NataNk can change this all.

posted 4 months ago

I don't see much player possible maybe it's Ardiis since he was FA last year and is still in a team rn (they talked about sending an offer to a team ) he's restricted fa so still under contract with Navi . I thought about elllement too but i don't know what was his situation last year.

posted 5 months ago

Not having Dressrosa in Stier is a crime against humanity to me

posted 5 months ago

Just look at all the watchparties on VLR menu , there is at least 28k viewers

posted 5 months ago

And moreover he's prob the most achieved coach in T2 with 4 FOUR VRL titles , in 2022 he won first split FR With Sector One , won a split in DACH with Dsyre (doesn't really know how much this one counts considering it was during a sort of offseason ) and then won both splits this year WIth JL
in VCL fr after finishing 2nd the whole year with GTZ behind Saw who had a great team ( Tomaszy DaviH Fizzy Addicted Bati) and finished 4th in ascension .

posted 5 months ago

Qraxs is still like a main Kayo , he even has more matches played and a better rating than Saadhak , i think there is no other good response than him

posted 5 months ago

What i predict (maybe more what i would like to see) for the EMEA rosters (some are maybe unrealistic i tried to do some research and i watch a lot of T2 but i can lack of data for some players)
every team are sorted by role in this order :
_ sentinel
and (I) means that he would be the IGL for me

Newcomers in teams are the ones in MAJ

Boaster (I)

Team Heretics
No changes

No changes

Team Vitality
-Sayf (would flex a bit on viper cuz he said he doesn't really like to play duelist all the time)

  • Trexx (would play Raze when sayf will play viper on Bind for example)
    _ MINNY
  • Cender (I)

Karmine Corp
_KAMYK (Real flex can see him play Iso , kayo , cypher , Reyna)
_Magnum ( would come back to his former role and play viper too(sort of senti imo) in double smokes maps like they used to do on Split for example)
-Shin (saw today that he would prob left RIP my frenchboy)

Navi (impossible for me to do a good CIS roster without new russians for example Cloud , Suygetsu , something but would be cool if they accept it )
_KILES (go back to his former role (would prefer Chiwawa but he's russian) and flex on ini )
_Shao ( will switch roles with Ange1 depending on the map )

Team Liquid (Coah LOHAN)
_Keiko (full Jett almost but will have to learn Gekko or another ini to fill on bind and sunset at least)
_HIRO (would play raze on raze maps maybe possible to play double duelist on Split)
_Nats Will not be igl (another shit decision from Emil imo) prefer him to be focus on his crosshair with the talent he have
-ROBBIEBK (I) Will be in a package with Lohan , they just had a great season , for me they were one of the 3 best teams in T2 emea with JL but riot decided to break their dream Unlucko

Gentle Mates (coach GOKED and Assistant BROMAS)
-D3FFO ( come back from vcl fr with Bromas his coach)
-NataNk (very verstatile Sage , Raze , Phoenix , Breach, Neon)
_Kadavra (will flex on Omen on double controllers map)
-BADDYG ( a great friend of Natank and a very good player that was a wall in ascension , got released for financial reasons (looks like he had pretty good stat before it)

  • Beyaz the capichef
    would love to see that roster as a fan , our CEO's wanted to continue to write a story with some of the ascended players , and to bring a former opponent of that season (Baddyg) who is a good friend of Natank too and a great player dropped from T1 would be a good way to continue in that story telling imo. (coming from the bottom to reach the stars)

BBL (i don't know much about turkish scene just saw them play , i dont know who would coach)

purp0 they would both flex him and Lime (thought he would be duelist but it looks like GX are looking for one and he was a pretty good flex on KPI)
_Cloud (I)

_DAVIH flex Sova smokes duelist
-Sheydos (I) Bring me old GMB Sheydos

APEKS no doubt they will be there ( i don't think it's the type of org to do a lot of changes whereas i don't see one of them continue in VCT)
_Molsi (I)

tell me what you think about it

posted 5 months ago

he's not supposed to be the duelist in my opinion that's why there is a second one , he would be more of a sentinel in defense his shield giving him a huge advantage for players aimwise gifted

posted 5 months ago

Iso could be very strong in this map imo , he can be anti op in the B long in particular and i think his wall could be usefull + u could do combos in postplant with viper mollys

posted 5 months ago

I would say , (the first agent is the one i prefer for the comp)

Viper (or harbor maybe but i would like some mollys for postplant)
Skye/Fade/ or even Gekko cuz we need flash if not Yoru but loosing some recon power without skye

for example for TH

Astra Boo
Viper Benjy
Skye RieNs
Iso Wo0t
Neon MiniBoo

or FNC this year could've been

Astra Boaster
Viper Chronicle
Fade Hiro
Iso Alfajer
Yoru Derke

posted 5 months ago

Imo Xeus and Kamyk are definitely joining T1 this offseason they've been absolute monsters in there respective leagues .

For players still in ascension who could make it i would talk about DaviH , anguist , elllement and maybe Moh (his nationality can be a problem for visa and the level of his league is kinda unknown but he has an insane firepower and crazy stats since a year at least (I Saw him for the first time playing in ascension 2023) for someone playing smokes only)

others players that could join (in order of most likelyness (i'm french my english is bad ok) in my opinion)

duellist : d3ffo, Izzy, Lime, Lux9, Pa1ze, Xuss, sibeastw0w, Leare (many of them can play sentinels as Lux9 or Lime for example)
flex : zeek, Kiles, Flickless, veqaj
initiators (all igl's): SociablEe, RobbieBK, Buld, Addicted, Br0die
smokers : Profek, Jesse, Ruxic, Moh, Akumaaa, pyroll, BaddyG
sentinels : Minny, Chiwawa, jady, Fizzy, Olizera

i wrote this before understanding u wanted a list exclusively of young players , i think the youngest ones are Xeus 18 and Kaajak, Lux9, ruxic and Pa1ze are 20 yo

posted 5 months ago

Americas : NRG SEN LOUD
Pacific : PRX GENG DRX

posted 10 months ago

morocco is in Europe-middle east-africa

posted 11 months ago








posted 11 months ago

bro wdym two brazilian , brazil is in Latin America 3/5 is alright

posted 11 months ago

En vrai ça a moins de sens mais pour le spectacle et l'enjeu c'est mieux dans ce sens finalement parce que les places pour les champions sont donnés au split 2 ou toutes les équipes s'affronte intra group donc les derniers matchs seront sûrement ultra décisifs et des duels directs .

posted 11 months ago

For french team i'll do a team with 2 subs with max 2 from same team

Igl initiator : Enzo (TL)
Duelist : Keloqz (DVM)
Flex : NataNk (M8)
Sentinel : LogaN (M8)
Controler : Shin (KC)

  • Kadavra (DVM) and Akumaa (MDR) both really flexible , duelist , initiator , sentinel , controler

(I Think That takas is the best duelist but natank and logan are already from M8 in the team and i think the gap of their skill compared to the others opponents on their role is larger than the one between Takas and Keloqz (and with the others great french duelists like Goaster (MDR) or Lux9 (ZER) too))
wITH ZE1sh and pm as coaching staff with the first one head coach this time

I think this team would be like a TOP 5 EU nation team with Russia , UK , Turkey and poland and somewhere in the top 10 behind USA , Canada , brazil and Korea on paper .

PS: Maybe i'm biased as a french and M8 fan , i tried to be objective as much as i can , but i think in general that france as a really good depth of good players that are no names for most of the people but , when u follow them it seems that they are futuret T1 players ,and for some ,really close to already be . And i think objectively that we have one of the moststacked vcl , maybe we could see another french org win the ascension this year , i predict at least that the second of our league will win the play-ins .

posted 11 months ago

what about musashi tex and Harmii ?

posted 11 months ago

saadhak is argentinian

posted 11 months ago

Gentlemates gonna be one of the most sold EU , the community is huge in france , literally powered by the number 1 french ytber with almost 19M subs and G2 will not be last too imo

posted 11 months ago

i would'nt say before the tournament he was a better prospect that guys like keiko , marteen , runner or kicks (I am not biased by results , for example i didn't talk about n4rrate who was not a prospect of the level of the others for me before the tournament ) But he's just behind them and he can be really strong dunno if he should replace patitek tho , who was performing over my hopes

posted 11 months ago

MiniBoo was carrying them , MVP of the kick off for me

posted 11 months ago
  1. SEN
  2. PRX
  3. LOUD
  4. KC
  5. EDG
  6. GEN G
  7. TH
  8. FPX

i have nothing to say really about fpx , i don't know much of them but on paper they got the least achieved players . Feel like one of the EU team has to perform badly (maybe french biased) but i feel like KC Has shown a really strong face and the group seems to be solid They said they have won 58 praccs in a row and it's been since september or october that they are training, and i saw a lot of confidence and trust in their gameplay so i put them pretty high.
Gen g has won the pacific but i feel like the group is under experienced and will fail at madrid , comparing to prx who always performed outside of pacific league , ( if they get in final they will win for me but i feel like they will not and i place sentinels higher in term of form)
EDG look underestimated by most of the viewers but i would put them mid-high placed in most of the leagues ( i feel like they are stronger than half of the teams in other leagues at least ) and they have KK.
And Loud is 50/50 for me , what they have shown in the final was really bad , but they are great players so everything can happened for them.

posted 11 months ago

IGL/flex : Ange1
Duelist : Aspas
flex : Something
Controler : Mindfreak
Sentinel : Alfajer
Coach : Engh
Can be the most entertaining team ever , with some double duelist material on all maps , PRX 2.0 but with the craziest igl wolrdwide
If it exists one day everyone would be scared as f for sure

posted 11 months ago

they will maybe play with a yoru ?

posted about a year ago

Be ready for map 2 and 3 , as a former vitality member as his CEOs natank is gonna smash his ex

posted about a year ago