EMEA fans can claim shitinels wins since Johnqt is the Moroccan mastermind leading them to victory
vct contract database lists him as a NON RESIDENT https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRmmWiBmMMD43m5VtZq54nKlmj0ZtythsA1qCpegwx-iRptx2HEsG0T3cQlG1r2AIiKxBWnaurJZQ9Q/pubhtml
I was trying to find this and the other one with the rules for imports and stuff.
I thought he was listed as resident tho, since he was supposedly in canada to finish his engineering degree before, and if you live in canada for 3 years you can request citizenship, which would have him considered as resident.
However, seems like it wasn't 3 years then, so yeah, he is non-resident.